Past Meetings

Fall 2015

Scott Blinder, Robert Ford, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, and Maria Oskarsson, "Secularism or Anti-Muslim Sentiment: Experiments on Targeted and Principled Opposition to Religious Schools in Britain, Norway, and Sweden"

Yanna Krupnikov and Adam Seth Levine, "Citizen Engagement (and Disengagement) in Response to Social Ills"

W. Russell Neuman, "Three Guys Walk Into a Bar: An Information Theoretic Analysis"

Spring 2015

Stanley Feldman, Leonie Huddy (Stony Brook), Julie Wronski (George Washington), and Patrick Lown (Stony Brook), "When Empathy Succeeds and Fails: Public Support for Social Welfare Policy"

Diana Mutz (University of Pennsylvania), "Effects of Ingroup Favoritism on Trade Preferences"

Peter DeScioli and Erik Kimbrough, "Alliance Formation in a Side-Taking Experiment"

Fall 2016

Scott Clifford (University of Houston) and Jennifer Jerit (Stony Brook University), "Disgust, Anxiety, and the Public's Response to Health Threats"

Christopher Faricy (Syracuse University) and Christopher Ellis (Bucknell), ""Deservingness' and Public Attitudes towards Social Welfare: The Signaling of Tax Subsidies versus Direct Government Spending"

Jay van Bavel (NYU), "System Justification and the (In)ability to See the Unexpected"

Spring 2017

Jarret Crawford (The College of New Jersey), "Black = Liberal? Examining the Effect of Target Group Label on Variation in the Ideology-Prejudice Relationship"

Peter DeScioli, Bowen Cho, Scott Bokemper, and Andrew Delton (Stony Brook University), "Selfish and Cooperative Voting: Can the Majority Restrain Themselves?"

Eric Groenendyk (University of Memphis) and Yanna Krupnikov (Stony Brook University), "What Motivates Reasoning? A Goal-Driven Theory of Political Evaluation"

Fall 2017

Leonie Huddy and Johanna Willmann (Stony Brook), “Partisan Sorting and the Feminist Gap in American Politics”

Richard Lau (Rutgers), Tessa Ditonto (Iowa State), and Jamel Love (Rutgers), “Showdown at the OK Corral: Testing Competing Theories of Political Judgment”

Linda Tropp (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Eric Knowles (NYU), “Weaponizing White Identity: A Longitudinal Analysis of Whites’ Beliefs about Identity Politics and Minority Collusion”

Spring 2018

James Glaser, Jeffrey Berry, and Deborah Schildkraut (Tufts University), "Education and the Curious Case of Conservative Compromise"

Dan Hopkins (University of Pennsylvania), "Prejudice, Priming, and Presidential Voting: Panel Evidence from the 2016 U.S. Election"

Hannah Werner and Sofie Marien (University of Leuven, University of Amsterdam), "Comforting Losers with Voice. The Effect of Citizen Involvement in Political Decision-making on Legitimacy Perceptions in the Face of Unfavorable Outcomes"

Fall 2018

Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham) and Harriet Tenenbaum (University of Surrey), "Is Happiness the Best Medicine?: Positive Mood and the Rights Endorsement of Asylum-Seeking Young People"

Ruth Dassonneville (University of Montreal), "Partisans, Nonpartisans, and Corruption"

Lilla Orr and Gregory Huber (Yale), " Partisan Animosity in the United States: Social Fragmentation or Policy Conflict?"

Spring 2019

Patrick Egan (NYU), "Identity as Dependent Variable: How Americans Shift Their Identities to Better Align With Their Politics"

George Marcus (Williams College), Pavlos Vasilopoulos and Martial Foucaut (Sciences Po),  “Does Threat Elicited Fear Explain the Rise of Nationalist Parties in Europe and the US?”

Zachary Markovich and Ariel White (MIT), “More Money, More Turnout? Minimum Wage Increases and Voting”

Fall 2019

Maureen Craig (NYU), "Stereotypes about Political Attitudes and Alliances among U.S. Racial Groups: Implications for Strategic Voter Suppression"

Brianna Smith (US Naval Academy), Scott Clifford (Houston), and Jennifer Jerit (Stony Brook), "How Internet Search Undermines the Validity of Political Knowledge Measures"

Adam Thal (Yale), "Are Political Elites Out of Touch? Experimental Evidence from State Legislative Candidates"

Fall 2020 

Alexander Agadjanian (Berkeley), John Carey (Dartmouth), Yusaku Horiuchi (Dartmouth), and Timothy Ryan (UNC Chapel Hill), "Disfavor or Favor? Assessing the Meaning of White Americans' Racial Attitudes"  

Eran Amsalem (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Lior Sheffer (Tel Aviv University), "Personality and the Policy Positions of Politicians" 

Spring 2021

Joanne Miller (University of Delaware), Christina Farhart (University of Minnesota), and Kyle Saunders (Colorado State University), "Losers' Conspiracy: Elections and Conspiratorial Thinking"  

Yamil Velez (Columbia University), Ethan Porter (George Washington University), and Thomas Wood (Ohio State), "Factual Corrections Eliminate the Effects of Misinformation about Covid-19 Vaccines"

Fall 2022

Stacey Greene, Yalidy Matos, and Kira Sanbonmatsu, "A Path of their Own: WOC Identity Development Among Asian, Black, and Latina American Women"  

Brad Jones (UC Davis), "When the End is the Beginning: The Effect of Criminal Infractions and Post-Deportation Outcomes on Perceived Fairness and Blame Attribution in Deportation Cases"

Stephen Nicholson (Georgia), Karlee Taylor (Georgia), Donald Snyder (University of Massachusetts Amherst), and Alex Theodoridis (University of Massachusetts Amherst), "Moral Reasoning and the Microfoundation of Partisan Violence"

Spring 2023

Jennifer Chudy and Addie New-Schmidt (Wellesley College), "Racial Sympathy and Political Behavior: The Case of Election Policy Reform"

Elizabeth Sperber (University of Denver), Gwyneth McClendon (NYU), and O'Brien Kaaba (University of Zambia), "Limits of Religious Primes in Young Adult Civic Education: Evidence from a WhatsApp Based Field Experiment in Zambia"

Elizabeth Suhay (American University), "Debating the American Dream: Explanations for Inequality and Political Preferences" Note: We will discuss chapter 7; skim the introduction if you would like additional background about the project.

Fall 2023

Patrick Egan (NYU), "Resolving Dissonance: How Trump's Voters Come to Terms with His Egregious Behavior"

Allison Harell (Universite du Quebec a Montreal), Laura Stephenson (University of Western Ontario), Daniel Rubenson (Toronto Metropolitan University), and Peter Lowen (University of Toronto), "Talking Politics with the Other Side: Partisanship, Political Discussion, and Polarization"

Annemarie Walter (University of Nottingham) and David Redlawsk (University of Delaware), "Moral Decision Making by Local US Leaders"

Spring 2024

Nejla Asimovic (University of Pennsylvania), “Unlocking Outgroup Access Online: Evidence From Cyprus”

James Druckman (University of Rochester) and Jonathan Schulman (Northwestern), “The Polarization and Politicization of Trust in Science”

Ari Malka (Yeshiva University) and Christopher Soto (Colby College), “Do Agree-Disagree Rating Scales Reduce Measurement Quality? Three Preregistered Survey Experiments” (And supplementary materials.)